Federal law requires MPOs to identify a Metropolitan Planning Area (MPA) boundary based on their Urbanized Area (UA) after the most recent decennial census. The MPA for the MPO must include the UA boundary as well as land area that will become urban within the next 20 years. Where appropriate, adjustments/smoothing can be made to reflect the most comprehensive boundary to foster an effective transportation planning process. The proposed Burlington-Graham Metropolitan Planning Organization (BGMPO) smoothed UA and MPA boundary maps are available for review on our website at www.bgmpo.org. The maps are also available upon request and can be viewed at the City of Burlington Department of Transportation and Public Works, 234 E. Summit Avenue, Burlington NC. Written comments can be emailed to comments@burlingtonnc.com or sent to PO Box 1358, Burlington, NC 27215 until the end of the public comment period on December 1, 2023. Comments can also be made during the BGMPO Transportation Advisory Committee January 16, 2024, 5:30 p.m. meeting, held at the City of Burlington Municipal Conference Room, 425 S. Lexington Avenue, Burlington, NC. Please contact Wannetta Mallette, MPO Administrator, 336.513.5418 or at comments@burlingtonnc.gov if you have any questions. All written comments received shall, as applicable, be made a part of the BGMPO records of public input. Public participation is solicited without regard to race, color, national origin, age, sex, religion, disability, or family status. Persons who require special accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act or persons who require translation services (free of charge) should contact the BGMPO no later than three (3) days prior to the proceedings. Las personas que requieran adaptaciones especiales en virtud de la Ley de Estadounidenses con Discapacidades o las personas que requieran servicios de traducción (sin cargo) deben comunicarse con la BGMPO a más tardar tres (3) días antes del procedimiento.