Unified Planning Work Program

The Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) outlines the programs and activities to be accomplished by the BGMPO each fiscal year. It identifies funding amounts and requirements, conformity with federal guidelines, and areas of emphasis to be focused on within the upcoming fiscal year. Funding for the UPWP is provided on an annual basis by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA).

Task items are specifically identified, including their respective budgets and funding sources. The categories for planning tasks in the UPWP are based on planning requirements contained in Federal legislation that authorizes transportation funding. MPO staff works cooperatively with NCDOT, consultants and other local partners to ensure completion of planning tasks identified in the UPWP.


Draft 2023-2024 UPWP

2021-2022 UPWP

2020-2021 UPWP

2019-2020 UPWP