Strategic Transportation Prioritization (SPOT)

The North Carolina Strategic Prioritization Office (SPOT) uses a systematic and data-driven process to prioritize and select transportation projects for inclusion in the Strategic Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). This scoring process occurs every two years. Six modes of transportation are considered for scoring and ranking by NCDOT: highway, rail, public transportation, bicycle & pedestrian, aviation and ferry. BGMPO submits proposals for all transportation modes except ferry projects.

All projects submitted for scoring are grouped according to scope and impact into three categories: statewide mobility, regional impact, and division needs. Approximately 40% of funds are allocated toward statewide mobility projects, and 30% each toward regional impact and division needs projects, respectively.

MPOs can submit a base of 18 projects per mode, with an additional one for every 50,000 in population and every 500 centerline miles. BGMPO can presently submit 18 projects per mode for each SPOT scoring cycle. 

Process for current SPOT scoring program (SPOT 7.0):

1. Call for projects: BGMPO requests participating jurisdictions to submit a list of preferred transportation projects.

2. Preliminary Screening: BGMPO uses an internal scoring matrix to prioritize projects to be submitted for SPOT scoring. Project Submission:

3. Project Submission: BGMPO submits list of final projects for SPOT scoring.

4. Project Scoring: NCDOT assigns a score to each project and publishes the scores and rankings for each transportation project in the BGMPO.

5. Assignment of Local Input Points: After initial project scoring, each MPO may assign a limited number of points to preferred regional impact and division needs projects.

6. Final Scoring and Release of Draft STIP: NCDOT incorporates the local input points into the scoring process and releases the draft list of projects to be included in the next STIP. 

SPOT Links: 

Official List