Public Notices

The BGMPO adopted the updated Triangle Region Transportation Air Quality Conformity Determination Report (AQ CDR) on August 15, 2023.  This update was required because the MPO amended the 2045 Metropolitan Transportation Plan and adopted the 2020-2029 Metropolitan TIP (Transportation Improvement Program).  The 2024-2024 TIP will reflect the amendments (if any) and will be uploaded when adopted. 

The Air Quality Conformity Determination Report (AQ-CDR) demonstrates that certain pollutant emissions from the future transportation sector will not exceed a specified threshold. Although the portion of the BGMPO's Metropolitan Planning Area that extends into Orange County is in attainment for all of the controlled emissions, the area is in a maintenance program for ozone and therefore must demonstrate conformity for nitrous oxides, which help create ozone.  The updated AQ CDR demonstrates that the implementation of the 2045 MTP will result in a level of pollutant emissions that meet the air quality thresholds.