Comprehensive Transportation Plan

Comprehensive Transportation Plan

Under State law (N.C.G.S. § 136-66.2) the development of a Comprehensive Transportation Plan (CTP) is conducted by the MPO in cooperation with NCDOT. The CTP is not required to be fiscally constrained, and no minimum horizon year or update timeframes are specified. The CTP is the element of the Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) that identifies transportation needs before fiscal constraint is applied. The BGMPO CTP will serve as an official guide to providing a well-coordinated, efficient, and economical transportation system for the future of the region. The BGMPO CTP will be utilized to ensure that planned transportation facilities reflect the needs of the public. The BGMPO Transportation Advisory Committee adopted the CTP on May 24, 2022.  The final CTP and project tables can be found here:

The Comprehensive Transportation Plan (CTP) is a long-range plan which identifies major transportation needs and solutions for the next 25 to 30 years. The document is a joint effort between the Burlington-Graham MPO and the NCDOT Transportation Planning Branch (TPD). Compared to the MTP, project recommendations in the CTP are not fiscally constrained—NCDOT is not committed to funding or constructing these project proposals. Projects within the CTP may be incorporated into the MTP as funding sources become available. The most recent CTP for the Burlington-Graham MPO was adopted in 2010. NCDOT is currently in the process of updating the next CTP.

Click here for maps showing the list of highway, bicycle and pedestrian projects in the CTP.