Burlington Greenways and Bikeways Plan (2017)
This plan provides a framework for local and regional agencies to create a connected and comprehensive system of greenways and bikeways in Burlington. The plans goals include enhancing connectivity and health while increasing safety, protecting the environment, and promoting equity. Top priority projects include the Burlington-Elon greenway, Haw River greenway, Springwood-Davidson Greenway and Town and Country Bikeway.
Burlington Greenways and Bikeways Plan
Elon Bicycle, Pedestrian and Lighting Plan (2017)
This plan identifies and prioritizes proposed improvements to Elon’s bicycle pedestrian, and lighting systems for a 20-year horizon to build a coordinated network of alternative transportation facilities. Plan goals include improving health and air quality, reducing traffic congestion, and improving pedestrian safety and walkability. The plan largely focuses on local projects, such as filling in gaps in the existing sidewalk network and building out the bicycle network. The plan does include a Mountains-to-Sea Trail connector that would provide regional connectivity.
Elon Bicycle, Pedestrian and Lighting Plan
Mebane Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation Plan (2015)
This plan is intended to be a guide for future development and implementation of the City of Mebane’s bicycle and pedestrian network. Most of the projects outlined and prioritized in the plan are local bicycle and pedestrian facilities. The plan was funded in part by Burlington Graham MPO and the MPO was identified as a potential partner for future bicycle and pedestrian programming with the City of Mebane.
Mebane Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation Plan
Gibsonville Comprehensive Pedestrian Plan (2014)
This plan outlines the Town’s vision for pedestrian transportation, outlines the existing pedestrian environment, proposes recommendations for the pedestrian network, a review of Town policy and programs, and implementation and funding strategies. The plan focuses on improvements downtown and within Gibsonville, except for a few proposed regional multi-use trail connections. Regional connections recommended included a multi-use trail connection to Elon along NC 100 (Burlington Ave) and connections to Burlington along several routes.
Gibsonville Comprehensive Pedestrian Plan
Burlington Pedestrian Plan (2012)
This plan is a pedestrian plan that aims to promote walkability in Burlington through guidance, tools, and programs for improving the pedestrian network and access to destinations. Goals of the plan include: filling gaps in the existing sidewalk network, increasing the miles of sidewalks as a percent of total City roads, and reduce the number of pedestrian accidents and vehicle miles traveled per year. The plan recommendations include providing a system of sidewalks and greenways with crossing improvements to connect to important destinations.
Burlington Pedestrian Plan
Graham Pedestrian Plan
This plan serves as the guiding long-range planning document for pedestrian improvements in the City of Graham. Adopted in 2006, it inventories the existing pedestrian infrastructure and recommends prioritized project improvements. It presents programs and policies that can support infrastructure improvements, increase walking and promote pedestrian safety.
Graham Pedestrian Plan