City of Mebane 2040 Comprehensive Transportation Plan (2018)
This plan is a long-range multimodal transportation plan for the City of Mebane that serves as a nonfiscally constrained guide for developing the transportation system to meet the needs of the community. The plan analyzes existing conditions, proposes projects and ranks projects by mode based on mode-specific criteria. Four of the top 12 roadway projects in the plan were included in the most recent BGMPO CTP, including: South Mebane Oaks Road widening, Mattress Factory Road widening, Buckhorn Road widening, and Mattress Factory Road interchange. The recommended bicycle and pedestrian projects are local projects, mostly drawn from the Mebane Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan (2015).
Link: City of Mebane CTP Document
Orange County Comprehensive Transportation Plan (2013)
This plan addresses the transportation needs and recommended improvements in the Triangle Area Rural Planning Organization (TARPO) jurisdiction of Orange County through the year 2035. It identifies several roadway, transit, bicycle, and pedestrian improvements that may impact Burlington-Graham MPO. Project recommendations include the following:
Increase cross-section of Mebane Oaks Road to 24 feet wide between NC 54 and the Alamance County line. This widening would permit turn lanes and wider shoulders for other vehicular needs.
Establish an express bus service on NC 54 from the Alamance County border to Neville Road (SR 1945).
Link: Orange County CTP Documents